Resilience is the recipe for handling what happens to you
so you can live the life you imagine.
Each of us chooses the experiences we will have in this life. What “happens” to us is only 10 percent of the experience. Once an event occurs, no matter how big or small, it is how you choose to perceive it and the meaning you give it and then how you choose to handle it that is 90 percent of the equation as to how you will actually experience it. We each achieve and enjoy incredible highs and feel devastated and decimated by disappointing lows, each ones individual to our own personal and professional paths.
In this presentation, Jennifer S. Wilkov will show you how to handle the meaning you give what has occurred and how to master your mindset, respect for yourself and others, and take responsibility for your part in what happened as you acknowledge those of others so you can find the peaceful paths to resolution that will restore your own peace of mind. Stay grounded in the face of challenges, unexpected situations and disrespectful conflicts. Communicate clearly and effectively until you feel heard. Stay focused on taking care of yourself, respecting your own self-worth and self-esteem, and remain steadfast to your own core values as you work toward the conclusion of the conflict so you can preserve your own inner peace.
Here’s more of what you will learn:
- Choose what experience you’re going to have instead of letting it just happen to you
- Speak up for yourself, your position and your truth
- Communicate clearly to get what you want and need and hear the same from others
- The importance of why your actions and your words have to match
- Release your resentment to relieve the hurt and pain you feel
- Regain your balance—in your mind, body, spirit, and soul – as you resolve and recover
- Contribute to others to open your heart, mind, and spirit
- Renew your commitment to living the life you imagine every day
I will show you how to move successfully through each experience with grace, integrity, and as much peace of mind as possible.
To request Jennifer to speak for your next meeting, event, conference or retreat as a keynote speaker, emcee, moderator or panelist, please fill out the requested information below and Submit. You will be contacted within 2 business days about your request to book Jennifer for a speaking appearance. Thank you.