By Jennifer S. Wilkov
Survivor – Author – Collaborator. Celebrating Humanity Gracefully
“Fanning the Flames of the Human Spirit”
You’ve heard that old saying, “Clear the clutter,” a million times. Here’s a new spin I have put on this constant challenge to make it easier to get those things out of your life that are really cluttering up your mind, heart, spirit and relationships.
I suggest you “clear the fear” out of your life and really revitalize your Spirit, energy and space for something new and more enjoyable to replace it.
Everything is energy. There is an energy field associated with everything in your life: the physical things you have in your home and office; the people you associate with; and the places where you choose to spend your time and money.
During your past efforts to clear the clutter, you may have overlooked some important components to get rid of in order to open up your life to new possibilities.
Here are some quick suggestions for how to clear the fear this time when you go to clean out the clutter:
Start by taking a good look at the people in your life. Determine which ones you hang out with for fun and which ones you hang out with in fear.
Never thought about this? Now is as good a time as any to really look.
How do you know if you’re spending time with those you fear?
Here’s a quick guideline to follow to flush out those fearful relationships:
1) Who are the people whom you are afraid to stop being around for fear of what they’ll think of you, say about you and perhaps do to you?
2) Identify the family members and so-called friends whom you find yourself feeling guilty, anxious or stressed out around. Are you frightened of what they’d say or do if you stopped spending so much time with them?
3) Who in your life demands your attention as opposed to you choosing to give it? What are the repercussions you resent and avoid by continuing to feed these people and relationships with your energy?
To help you identify them, here’s a quick tip: these are the people you are around when you feel yourself saying under your breath to yourself: “I’ll just grin and bear it. It’s only for a short time.”
Start by spending less time with them and turn your attention to the people you feel excited to be with. Make plans with the people who bring you joy and pleasure. Stop reinforcing the relationships that bring you nothing but pain.
Now take a closer look at your appointment book and the locations where you choose to spend your time outside your home or office.
Where are you going and why do you go there?
Are you continuing to go to old haunts that are associated with painful people and memories? Each time you walk in the door, your body, mind and spirit conjure up those feelings that you’ve tried so many times to repress or release. Every time you go there, you re-introduce yourself to the constant reminders of the memories you want to let go of.
Instead, find some new places to go to and build a new repertoire of some great locations to suggest for get-togethers and gatherings with others. Seek out the fun in your city or neighborhood. Ring up a friend and go out on the town with the goal of making some new memories that you’ll want to relive time and time again.
Look around the environment in your home and office. Identify the things in your space that you created or collected during times of great fear, anxiety, anger, stress or pain. Examples could include pictures, music, furniture, bath items, clothing, jewelry, kitchen items, linens and more.
These items have a subtle way of reminding you of the situations, circumstances and people associated with them. They steal your happiness by reminding you of your darker days.
Think about it: why are you really holding on to them?
It’s time to clear the fear from your life. Today is your day. You really can release it by letting go of these items and freeing yourself. No one can really do this for you but you.
Take these items and put them in a spot near the door where you exit your home or office. Place what you are willing to donate in a box or bag and make a point of taking these out of your space to a donation location or call one and schedule a pick-up. Take the rest of the items out to your trash can for the next pick-up by your local garbage men.
Along the way and especially when these things are all gone, clap your hands LOUDLY. Stand up and cheer yourself on! Give yourself a rousing standing ovation. Clap until you cry.
Be free.
Start anew.
With a fresh, clean slate and space, you can live your life with clarity and confidence…and live it free from what’s behind you so you can focus on the great life ahead of you.
You can do it!
Tell me about the things you find in your space that you are finally willing to free yourself from. I’d love hear how you have cleared the fear in your home, office and life and celebrate with you.
© 2010 Jennifer S. Wilkov. All Rights Reserved.
Jennifer S. Wilkov
Jennifer’s passion for communication has led to her being a # 1 radio show host, a best-selling award-winning author, a dynamic speaker, an award-winning freelance writer, a successful book business consultant and an enthusiastic entrepreneur. She survived being incarcerated in one of New York’s most violent prisons after inappropriately being told to plead guilty to a crime she didn’t commit by an attorney who mishandled her case. Jennifer continued to succeed as an author, entrepreneur and speaker after enduring this devastating, unimaginable experience. She knows what it takes to live the life you love in the face of any challenge. She loves to inspire audiences everywhere with the insights, knowledge and wisdom she has gained so participants take action. Jennifer fans the flames of the Human Spirit in each audience member and empowers them to tell their story, express it transparently, leap powerfully into their lives and at last live the life they’ve imagined. For more information,