Slow and steady wins the race.
You know the story of the hare and the turtle. The turtle keeps putting one slow foot in front of the other. The hare races forward, then stops. Races forward again, then takes a nap because he thinks he’s so far ahead, he is entitled to a rest. But the turtle keeps on going, slow step by slow step, never stopping, never quitting.
You might say it is consistency that wins the day. That too is a very big part of it.
It is the patient person who, when the going gets tough, becomes calm and patient with him or herself, breathes, and believes that all is occurring at just the right speed and in exactly the right order – even if he or she wishes it would happen faster or in a different order.
They say patience is a virtue. In times of crisis, panic, anxiety or sudden change, it is the patient person who is grounded, able to smile in the face of whatever is transpiring, and who continues to move forward toward the destination and direction he or she is pursuing, just like the turtle, one small step at a time.
The key to having patience with anything is to be patient with yourself and with each moment. Patience is that quiet confidence that helps you hold it all together in moments of crisis and in times of change. Patience is that still small voice inside that says, “Keep calm and carry on,” like Winston Churchill said so many years ago.
In our instant gratification society today, we want answers right now, resolutions to our conflicts and frustrations, and ultimately closure to those crises that feel like they could crush us and our spirits.
Just like the turtle, use the asset you have – patience – to your advantage. Smile and acknowledge yourself for the small steps you take and keep on taking them.
Inch by inch, yard by yard, you will only be able to succeed if you continue forth and don’t give in or give up.
When you are faced with a sudden crisis situation, remember that you really do have an unlimited supply of patience available to you.
How much or how little you choose to use is entirely up to you.
You have the right to remain fabulous!