By Guest Blogger Michele Mattia
Inspirational Speaker – Author – Life Design Coach
Inspiring Your Dynamic & Delicious Life
How do you greet the morning? Are you sending text messages, reading and sending emails, turning on NY1 or some other morning news program, and posting updates on Facebook before you’ve even climbed out of bed? If you said yes to even one of those possible answers, take a moment to consider how the rest of your morning and day unfolded. Are you feeling scattered and stressed? Do you find yourself internalizing and holding onto the idea that there is just not enough time?
There were many, many, many years of my life spent sleeping (yes sleeping) with my cell phone and laptop. For close to a decade I never slept through the night because I didn’t create a safe and sacred environment for this to be possible. I embraced the knowing that I needed to make myself accessible, both personally and professionally, 24/7, otherwise how would the people in my world survive? Hmmm…“martyr syndrome” party of one!
As women we are born with this nurturing gene, and many of us are raised to take care of families and loved ones first and put our needs on the back burner. At some point in our lives we might start to feel resentment and feel unfulfilled. Of course, we can now add GUILT to the equation because how could we possibly feel anything negative toward the very people we love so much? How can you be so selfish? Why can’t you just be happy with what you have?
It took several years of self-discovery and evaluation for me to realize that I wasn’t serving the people in my world or myself by playing life small and not honoring my divine gifts. How can I possible keep giving if I’m not replenishing and rejuvenating my spirit? Three years ago, I made the conscious choice to shift the paradigm of my day. It was time to EMPOWER MY MORNING and EMPOWER ME! No more would people be hearing from me in the wee hours via email, texts or posts. No more would I start my day with negative news. I claimed my intention that now was the time to choose me and what would result would benefit everyone in my life!
Every morning, before I get out of bed, I ask myself “Who are you willing to be today? What is your intention?” Sometimes it’s one powerful word, other times it can be two or three. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and ask myself what is it I want, can give back, and receive from the day. Some of the words I use are: appreciation, clarity, creativity, compassion, courage, empowerment, enthusiasm, focus, generosity, giving, gratitude, joy, kindness, love, open, presence, receptive, and truthfulness. It’s as if I walk out the door with an invisible coat of armor. I have centered myself on how I will live the day and the word(s) become my mantra.
Yesterday, my daily intention was to be open and receptive to divine ideas, order and timing. One of the biggest challenges I’ve had to work on for the last few years is letting go of the need to control the events, outcome and direction in my life. Sound familiar? While it might sound like a strange challenge, considering many of us believe control of our actions leads to a successful life, it actually restricts, blocks and prevents an effortless order to things. This doesn’t mean to sit in the “waiting room” and watch the world pass. It means trusting where your heart leads you and to take time to become present and centered on what you want.
Take a moment to think back on a time in your life when you felt the most alive. This is the time that reflects you at your VERY best and your happiness was based on just being present and had nothing to do with compensation. Meaning, regardless of if you were compensated financially or not, you’d relive the experience. When you contemplate this moment, and I hope there will be more than one, think about what led you there. Was it because you had dissected every possible outcome before living the experience and mapped out your course or was it because you had followed your heart and trusted in the timing of the events or people coming into your life at the time?
Throughout the day, I stop what I’m doing and breathe. I find a quite corner or room, close my eyes and re-center. Five minutes to breathe and allow myself to be present in the now and to re-state the intentions I set for the day is a gift to me. I deserve this time and so do you!
Are you willing to dedicate the time you deserve to connect with your Deliciously Fabulous Self? Are you ready to Empower You?
For a great opportunity to learn more about being present and setting intentions, join me and Jennifer S. Wilkov for The Deliciously Fabulous YOU Retreat in New York City in May. Early commitment special pricing is available to honor the time you are dedicating to YOU. To learn more and to register, go to
Michele Mattia
Michele, a nationally recognized speaker on both tv and radio, is an Inspirational Speaker, Best Selling Author, Life Design Coach, New Thought Leader and Creative Strategist. During a silent retreat five years ago, she asked herself the question: “What would you do now if you knew you could not fail?” What manifested next was nothing short of extraordinary! Specializing in Life Design, Michele’s mission is to inspire, support and co-create all possibilities her clients and audiences are courageous enough to demand. She motivates others to claim their unique gifts and talents, while owning that they deserve to create a dynamic and delicious life. Michele believes, we must embrace the knowing that we deserve to live a life we love, one that supports who and what we are. We need to be willing to say, “Yes! I choose me!” To learn more about Michele and receive Michele’s Daily Dash, an empowering eZine, go to