By Jennifer S. Wilkov
We all walk around with our own beliefs. What we believe becomes our individual way of interpreting what happens in our daily lives and what each situation, circumstance and condition means.
So a situation could be interpreted to mean one thing to one person and something completely different to another – based on their beliefs.
One of my staunch beliefs is: “Everyone wants to assist me with the life I want to live.”
It may seem like a naïve way of approaching the world. And you may be wondering how that belief works for me in my view of the world and my everyday life?
Let’s break it down:
“Everyone” – this means EVERYONE from the mere person I meet briefly on the subway or at a networking meeting to my dearest and closest family members, friends, business colleagues and clients.
“Wants to” – People don’t HAVE TO support me. They’re not obligated. I believe they have a deep inherent desire to WANT TO be there for me during whatever life circumstances I have, regardless of my condition. They want to celebrate with me during the great times and remind me to smile through the less pleasant ones.
“Assist Me” – I believe the people who are in my life, whether it’s for a short moment or a lifetime, are here to ASSIST ME. They are not going to help me or do things for me. Rather, they are going to offer their strength and highest and best efforts to facilitate me and keep me congruent with what I said I wanted to live through and experience. To that end, they will ASSIST me with having the experiences I have and provide their presence and guidance along the way so I am never really alone. I always have assistance, support and a lifeline.
“With the life I want to live” – I believe we can best support each other when we declare clearly and state out loud the life we want to live as opposed to waiting for life to happen to us. It is the poignant difference between getting what you want and positioning yourself as a victim. My belief is that you must clearly define the life you want to live and then leap joyfully into the experience of actually living it. Talking about it is one thing; LIVING it is another and it’s completely different.
It takes courage, heart, strength and grace to live the life you want to live. It often takes everything you have inside you to get to the point of actually living that life.
Along the way, you may even refine or redefine the life you say you want. It happens. We are ever-changing beings who are having new experiences every day that change the course of what we want as part of our lives.
So when I walk around with my belief, “Everyone wants to assist me with the life I want to live,” even when the most unimaginable situations, circumstances or conditions occur, I’m looking for the positive side of these instead of taking them personally and feeling victimized.
I’m too busy seeking out the positive parts to become a victim.
What if everyone in your world really did want to assist you with the life you said you wanted to live?
Could you really allow them to? Would you be able to believe even in the most confusing, perhaps even insulting situations, some actually was doing what they were doing to support you with what you said you wanted – whether they knew what you wanted or not?
Living my life with this belief has supported me so much with my positive approach to living my life – that life I said I wanted to live.
I invite you to look at your life through this lense for 1 week and see how your perception of the behaviors of others may change.
I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below this article.
You Can Do It!
© 2010 Jennifer S. Wilkov. All Rights Reserved.