It’s For the Greater Good
I had a great experience this past Spring during my Write It Now Class I offered through my Your Book Is Your Hook! book consulting services and classes. I had a student in my class who was writing a children’s book about ticks and Lyme disease, a debilitating disease that affects adults and children with fatigue and other physically challenging conditions.
Here’s what happened: During this class I provide BONUS interviews with friends of mine from different professions in the publishing and book marketing fields.
One of the interviews during this class was with a dear friend of mine, Tom Martin, a great publicist with a wonderful history of working with the media and his own firm, Tom Martin Media.
I knew that Tom had recently worked with a client of his in response to a tweet on Twitter from Oprah about getting the ticks off her dog. Tom positioned one of his clients as a resource to help her get the ticks off, so to speak.
Knowing that my student was writing her book about ticks and Lyme disease, I was excited to have Tom as a guest speaker for my class in order to connect these dots for my student with his client.
As I anticipated and supported, my student made the inquiry of Tom to get connected to his client when he shared this same Oprah story with my class during his interview.
The beauty of this connection was in this: I brought Tom into my class for my students to connect with. My student followed through to connect with Tom after our BONUS class as per Tom’s request. Tom followed through and made the connection to his client with my student. And now his client and my student are speaking and collaborating directly.
The neat part about this is that there was no fee to either Tom’s client or my student for this connection. It was an outgrowth of our respective services, relationships and the recognition of our individual clients combined with our mutual interest in connecting people who can benefit the Greater Good by being connected through people like us who know them.
As Connectors, we helped them to make this connection happen.
They took the ball, or in this case the introduction, and ran with it.
We all saw it.
We each followed through.
And we all won.
And so did you.
If you ever meet someone with Lyme disease, chances are they’ll be able to access great information through my student’s upcoming children’s book and Tom’s great client.
It’s this essence of collaboration that really benefits us all.
It’s not about what’s in it for me.
It’s a higher better connection about what’s in it for us.