By Guest Blogger Michele Mattia
Inspirational Speaker – Author – Life Design Coach
Inspiring Your Dynamic & Delicious Life
“Devote today to something so daring even you can’t believe you’re doing it!”
~ Oprah Winfrey
A large part of the transformation process to create the dynamic and delicious life we deserve, is stepping outside of our comfort zones. I’ve been asked on more than one occasion why I would suggest something that forces someone to be uncomfortable. Stepping outside of our comfort zone is a conscious choice and the outcome is different for everyone because of our divine uniqueness. My question to those who doubt the validity of the challenge: what’s the alternative? Those individuals who are looking to start over and manifest a life they love have already been feeling uncomfortable for years. It just so happens that they became comfortable in their uncomfortableness.
√ Why not you to step out into the unknown with your fabulous gifts, skills and talents and bring to the realization the life you deserve?
There’s a difference between stepping outside of our comfort zone and doing something that will bring harm to us and/or feels wrong. At times it can feel like a very fine line between the two, but I find there to be a significant difference.
√ If you are excited like a child on Christmas Morning, frozen by the thought that your transformation is going to cause change to the world around you, energized by the ideas effortlessly flowing from your heart, and ready to throw up ALL AT THE SAME TIME… You are stepping outside of your comfort zone.
√ Why not you to start over with a new career, a new city, or a new industry?
√ Why not you to develop a platform to share your empowering message with the world?
√ Why not you to start your own business?
√ Why not you to find love and be love?
When I started my Life Design coaching practice, I didn’t plan on integrating public speaking, TV and radio shows into my practice. I’ve ALWAYS been a talker, so it stands to reason this woman who has not shut her mouth for 42 years would want and find a platform to continue on with this natural gift. Ha! Trust me, this was not a conscious path on my part, and yet there I was one day in May of 2009, speaking to a dear friend and mentor of mine, Britt Hall. If you ever need someone to speak out about how their life has been changed to one of ridiculous love, joy and prosperity sign me up! Do you know he not only had the NERVE to take me up on it, but he did so three days later! Although I’m a believer in the universe giving to us the very things we ask for, I didn’t expect this to be one of those instances. Was I ready to share this part of me to a 700 hundred people on a Sunday morning at Symphony Space? My heart sure thought so. My ego, on the other hand, stated quite loudly. You want me to do what!
My heart had conveniently found a home in my throat that Sunday, and when Britt introduced me and brought me on stage, I begged my heart to move back to the center of my core where it belonged. You see there was this microphone. I am not a fan of microphones. It’s False Evidence Appearing Real that I work with whenever microphones are involved because I grew up hearing how loud my voice was, how it carried and can I tone it down. With each step up the stairs, a sensation fueled my body. It wasn’t adrenaline, and I knew I wasn’t experiencing stage fright. It was as if my heart had this grand secret only it has known and couldn’t wait to share with me. Come on! Hurry up! Walk faster! You’re going to LOVE this! And sure enough, after I hugged Britt and turned to face the audience, there it was ~ an energy like no other I had ever felt. I took a moment to connect with as many faces and eyes as I could see. Let’s do this!
Saying YES! to this one experience changed my life. It was a rush! I knew I had found another piece to my life purpose. Within a month, I had responded to three other offers to speak at conferences in various parts of the country by stating confidently to myself: Why not me!
√ Why not you to dedicate an hour each day to the self-discovery and self-exploration of you?
√ Why not you to embrace with joy and love your divine gifts, skills and talents?
√ Why not you to say YES! to opportunities where you will grow?
√ Why not you to create a personal mission statement that represents who and what you are?
As you design the life you love, the right and perfect people, ideas, and experiences are going to show up unexpected and sometimes you will question the sanity of your heart and why in the world would the universe send these “teachers” your way. I’ve long since stopped questioning divine order and timing. Instead, I sit in the front row of the first car on a rollercoaster where it can dip, turn, flip and twist at any moment and what a tremendous ride it is.
√ Why not you to start today by doing something so daring that even you can’t believe you’re doing it?
For a great opportunity to learn more about challenging, stretching, discovering and experimenting YOU, join me and Jennifer S. Wilkov for the Deliciously Fabulous YOU Retreat in New York City in May. Early commitment special pricing is available to honor the time you are dedicating to YOU. To learn more and to register, go to
© 2011 Michele Mattia. All Rights Reserved.
Michele, a nationally recognized speaker on both tv and radio, is an Inspirational Speaker, Best Selling Author, Life Design Coach, New Thought Leader and Creative Strategist. During a silent retreat five years ago, she asked herself the question: “What would I do right now if I wasn’t worried about the “how”?” What manifested next was nothing short of extraordinary! Specializing in Life Design, Michele’s mission is to inspire, support and co-create all possibilities her clients and audiences are courageous enough to demand. She motivates others to claim their unique gifts and talents, while owning that they deserve to create a dynamic and delicious life. Michele believes, we must embrace the knowing that we deserve to live a life we love, one that supports who and what we are. We need to be willing to say, “Yes! I choose me!” To learn more about Michele and receive Michele’s Daily Dash, an empowering eZine, go to