Love and romance escaped my life for many years. I married and divorced and continued to persist in my search for a loving partner to share my life with. I focused on me and learning more about what I wanted in a romantic relationship. What qualities was I seeking in the man of my dreams? […]
Life Lessons from a Furry Friend
I have learned great life lessons from my cat, Figaro. She left me on December 5th, 2008, and she left a legacy. It always amazes me that pets come into our lives for such a short time, yet they love us unconditionally and set this example for us to learn from. Figaro was an incredible […]
Speaking, Singing, Juggling and Delivering the Message…
When I was selected to present the senior values speech to our college prep school audience, grades 7 – 12. It was quite a presentation: I talked about honesty, integrity, being true to yourself and never giving up. I demonstrated at 16 the many hats we all wear as people. Even then, I had a […]