As the “Can Do Kid”, after completing a project one year with CVS Pharmacy while working for Revlon, a consulting company on the project awarded me a sign that says, “It CAN be done.” They said they had never met anyone like me. Regardless of what happened in the project, I always said we would […]
Speaking, Singing, Juggling and Delivering the Message…
When I was selected to present the senior values speech to our college prep school audience, grades 7 – 12. It was quite a presentation: I talked about honesty, integrity, being true to yourself and never giving up. I demonstrated at 16 the many hats we all wear as people. Even then, I had a […]
This is a blog about how to do “it” in any situation, circumstance or condition. “It” is many things for many people. It may relate to your health, career, relationships, finances, your dreams and even to having “it” all – whatever that means to you. This collection of short essays expresses thoughts, stories, ideas and […]